Just a bunch of things to consider adding to your car!
Here's various things to utilize in order to keep your car clean on the daily, or even things for a deep clean. Whether you keep it all in your car, or you leave it in your garage, here's some things to save you time.
I absolutely cannot stand being in the car and having to listen to the radio. I don't know what it is about not having control over the music, but I hate it. I don't care what year the car is, I better be able to listen to what I want and when I want...
This section is full of essentials for pet owners. Hopefully this will make car rides with your animals easier, safer, and more fun. Plus my goal is to preserve your vehicle without settling with your animal's comfortability or lack of.
Tools, kits, and more for those things you can't predict!
Mounts of various shapes, sizes, and functions for your electronics of all sorts.
For when you have backseat passengers of any age. Not specifically for kids.
I do not want to get into a car that smells like a gym locker. Just because you're a gym dude/girl, work on cars, work with animals, etc. means that your car needs to always smell like death and despair.