I wanted my bedroom to feature both of us in it, but I also have come to realize as I get older that it's just a room. It's my bedroom, but we only use ours for sleeping and related subjects. We don't even have a tv in it for that reason. It's just w...
I'm so happy to be moving into a two bathroom house! I get to experiment and have either matching bathrooms or complete opposites. I'm so excited to show you what plans I have and want.
Since I will be moving into a split level home with a finished basement, I will get two living rooms as well. I personally can't wait to experiment with different looks and styles. I definitely want and need a comfy couch.
We personally are not big dining room table fans. When looking at houses, a nice big kitchen was on the list, but dining area was not even thought of .. the designers of our house had the same thoughts or lack of. We use food trays, and we're totally...
There's many random things you don't think of until you move, or need it to buy it for something. Maybe you thrifted it randomly and found a use for it.
Kids stuff is like a thousand times cuter than it was when I was younger, and it's a billion times cuter than some of the adult stuff we get. Since we do have nieces and nephews and chances of babysitting are always high, we'll most likely have some ...