Benable — create shareable lists of things you recommend!
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A creative neutral mama, just trying to make your life a little easier! If you click on my link you will find all the things I loved for both me and little man! I am always adding things to both my pinterest boards and my benable boards!
karolina's Lists
My new list
3 items
We are having a birthday party soon and this is everything I will be getting for the party! This is presents, food, decor, and more! This is “He is Rounding Second!"; a baseball theme!
The Laundry Guide
7 items
When I first moved out on my own I had no idea about anything, but I knew I wanted the best smelling laundry! My grandma did my laundry and it always smelled so good, so this I all the things that makes doing laundry better and smell so good!
the ULTIMATE gift guide
20 items
I am obsessed with buying gifts for people! Christmas is a very expensive time of year, so I am trying to buy as I go. Weather you are in the same boat or not I hope this will help you pick the perfect gift for all the important people on your life!
Summertime Essentials
15 items
This list is for mom and kiddos! I hope to spark so fun ideas and be helpful!
Dad's Gift Guide
14 items
Men am I right!? They are so hard to shop for. I never know what new hobby that he has, and the hobbies he does have are expensive! This is a gift guide for ALL budgets and ALL types of men in your life!
My Target Cart
21 items
These are the things I either would love to get or always get at target! Hope you find a new staple. Tell me about something you love so I can try it out!
My Budget Friendly Living Room
16 items
I don't have a large budget for my living room, but I still wanted it to feel like me. I love neutral calm spaces and that is exactly what I hope to accomplish with this space.
What I Wish I Registered For
13 items
These are the things that I wished I would have put on my registry for my son! I will explain why in the caption. Some of these things I have and some are things that I think would have made my life easier. Hope you can uses this to build your registy some more!
Gift Guide for Her
28 items
These are ideas for anyone, but also what I will be asking for or looking at for other people! I love getting ideas from different people, so why not make my own! Hope you get some inspo for your gift guide!
Gift Guide for Littles
25 items
These are the things I will be buying or when people ask these are what I will suggest! I am super exited about my sons first Christmas and birthday, so I have been researching all the best toys and activities to buy for him at his age! These gifts will range in price so everyone can find something that works for their budget. I hope you get some new ideas for gifts for your little one or someone else's!
What You Really Need- newborn and beyond!
30 items
All of the perfect links for baby and mom! I love being a mom, but trying to figure out all the things baby would like/ need was hard, so I wanted to make it easier for you! I will give a disclaimer: I will tell you the upsides, but also the downsides to products, so you can make the right decision for you and your baby!
What's in my diapper caddy?
14 items
If you are watching a million videos on how to organize your nursery like I did then you are going to love that I have everything linked for you here! This is just what I have in my caddy, of course you can add what works for you and take away what doesn't!