Some of my favorite games and activities for when you're looking for something new to do!
Some of these are great for larger groups, some are for individual or smaller groups.
Board Games
Other Games
Assorted Play
Board Games
Beautiful art work, educational but also strategic game. There are so many different strategies to win. Unlike other strategic games, your strategy is less dependent on the other players and more dependent on what your individual and round goals are....
Wingspan - Stonemaier Games
This is an expansion to Wingspan, but I'm recommending it specifically because it also offers a duet playing mode which is perfect for a couple who wants to play Wingspan without inviting over a third (and fourth and fifth) player.
Wingspan Asia – Stonemaier Games
Classic strategic multi-player game; may ruin friendships. Multiple strategies to win and much depends on the other players and how nice they're feeling.
Fast paced, Catan-like board game; multiple ways to win and different each time based on the hands that are drawn. Definitely a little frustrating the first time you play, but by the second time, you'll have a much better understanding and it'll be s...
7 Wonders
If you were getting bored with 7 Wonders and it was feeling too predictable, throw in the Leaders expansion. Out of the two expansions we own (Leaders and Cities), I feel like this one changes up the game play the most by making more individual bonus...
7 Wonders New Edition: Leaders Game Expansion
Cooperative multi-player game. Warning if you are playing with multiple type A personalities: since it's cooperative, you may end up with one or two voices dictating the moves of all players. Theme hits a little close to home given COVID-19, but still a great addition to board game nights, especially after playing a strategic game like Catan.
Super interesting and different every time - consists of two parts, the set up and the haunting. There are so many different combinations possible based on characters selected and how the dice rolls play out during the set up phase. There are at leas...
Betrayal at House on the Hill | Board Game
Seems east to start but the end game becomes a tricky determination of strategy. There's a super helpful YouTube tutorial to learn the game.
CULTivate - Pops & Bejou Games
Adorable destruction and despair amongst friends. Full of trickery and luck of the draw. The goal is to not collect extinction cards and be the last Dino standing or the first Dino to complete your escape path.
Happy Little Dinosaurs | Board Game - BoardGameGeek
Inspired by Moorish decorative tiles, this is a game of luck and strategy as you build out your personal tile walls while competing against fellow players for the tiles. Up to four players and beautifully illustrated.
This was a great game for all sorts of ages and board game skill levels! It's easy to pick up and relatively straightforward. There's a little bit of competition given that most routes cannot be shared, so be the first to build your tracks, get point...
Ticket To Ride Board Game
Like Mafia but with more rules and more cooperation. Mordred faces off against Merlin with the help of their respective minions / allies. Requires a bit of subterfuge as well as logical deductions - don't give away the game! Competing goals depending...
Other Games
Think a game like spoons when you try to match cards, but when you match certain cards, you unlock activities that require throwing the burritos (which are made of the same soft and squishy material as a light stress ball). Hilarious chaos ensues. Wo...
Throw Throw Burrito | Party Card Game | Exploding Kittens
Is it basically the same game as Throw Throw Burrito? Yes-ish. There's new cards and new types of battles. There's also a set of cards that work as an expansion if you have both Burrito and Avocado (which I don't…yet). My biggest complaint is that th...
Throw Throw Avocado | Party Card Game
We still don't have consensus on how to pronounce this game, but it's a great thinking game that involves a bit of luck as well. You can play with up to four players, but it's just as fun (and competitive) with just two players.
Think of a combination of taboo and hot potato: Your team has to guess the word or phrase based on your clues. Think fast but speak carefully, you can't say any part of the word or phrase. Get the phrase and pass it to the other team. Don't be holdin...
Ultimate Catch Phrase Game
A fast-paced slapping game to get rid of all of your cards. Players take turns playing a card from the top of their deck, sight unseen, while saying “Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, “Pizza” in order. If the card played matches what was said, don't be the last slap into the play pile. If the card played is one... Either way, slap fast and slap accurately, or you'll be adding to your card stack.
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Card Game
Is this basically like Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza? Yes, but there are new specialty cards (with new actions) AND some of the cards are reversed which requires you to slap in either hands up or hands down to match the card. This caused complete chaos ...
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza On The Flip Side
Have your team guess as many words in the time given, but you can only give clues using one syllable words. Descend into chaos when people start grunting out their clues and forgetting you can make legit sentences with single syllable words.
Poetry for Neanderthals
Is this basically Poetry for Neanderthals but with NSFW phrases? Yes, and the “No” stick turns into a “Spank Me” stick and the team names switch from Mad / Glad to Wet / Wild. Altogether, a good time, but I don't really recommend playing with family…
Poetry for Neanderthals: NSFW Edition
Get your love letter as close to the Princess as you can by holding the highest-ranking cards, but don't let the other players swap the letter-holder by forcing you to show your hand! Social deduction paired with a little bit of luck of the draw crea...
Love Letters Game
A fast paced card passing game with just enough variations that it never gets boring. Depending on the menu that you select, there are different goals for each game. The Party edition allows for up to 8 players and has a number of set goals or a mix ...
Sushi Go Party Game
So much fun and such a simple game to pick up with just enough twists to make it challenging. I love the concept of the game as a frequent bubble tea drinker and the art work is definitely pretty cute. Fast moving, and just enough sabotage to keep it...
Sabobatage: The Boba Card Game
This is a fun card-based take on Contact, my preferred car game. In this game, you play with the players to your immediate left and right. The player to the left in each duo puts out the first card, and the player to the right puts out a second card....
Medium: A Mind Reading Party Game
All inclusive painting kit with digital instructors, including diptychs
Date Night Painting Classes || Painting to Gogh
Something fun to do for couples and build greater awareness of self and couple. 13 weeks of activities to complete with your partner - applicable for those couples who are newly dating, engaged, married, or married for 20 years! We really enjoyed goi...
Everything you need to make your own candle at home. Makes just one candle (12 oz) but the fragrance options are not your typical offerings and created by Paddywax. I personally haven't purchased any Paddywax premade candles, but this kit seems fun!
Candle Making Kits - Paddywax
Contains everything you need to make your own candles at home. Makes 6 candles (8 oz size) in 2 different fragrances (jasmine / amber and sea salt / orchid). Enough to make 3 of each scent - perfect for keeping for yourself or gift giving. I like tha...
Candle Making Starter Kit 1 Kit
Love punch needling once I discovered it. It feels pretty therapeutic to punch the needle into the fabric and send the chunky yarn through. I like it better and find it more satisfying than embroidery which is all small threads. This is a kit that co...
Leisure Arts® Mountains Weekend Punch Needle Kit
Another mini punch needling kit - this time making a pineapple on a 3.5" round hoop
Design Works Punch Needle Kit 3.5" Pineapple
Assorted Play
For younger children who may not be ready for an American Girl Doll (priced at $115), this 18" doll available at Target is priced under $30. She comes with a fancier dress for those who want to kickstart their collection with more formality.
Our Generation 18" Doll With Ballroom Dress
Honestly, this feels like it could be a great little reading nook as an adult… But also a fun option for young children I suppose.