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Natural Period Essentials + Advice

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As a woman with PCOS, I have dealt with irregular, painful and heavy periods for years. These products and pieces of knowledge, have empowered me to soothe my cycle symptoms and are amazing alternatives to conventional period products! Please note:...

Natural Products

These are my personal go-to products for my period each month. I have PCOS, so my periods can be heavy and painful, but these products make it so much more manageable! I may make commission on some products listed :)

Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
This has CHANGED my entire life. No lie.
Flex Reusable Disc
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This non-toxic heating pad for abdominal/back cramps is a MUST!
Natural Buckwheat Heating Pad - 100% Linen Cover
Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
Topical cramp relieving salves are so helpful!
Moon Time Cramp Balm
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Her products have regulated my PMS symptoms immensely!
Flow Balance Tincture
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PFAS free, organic cotton and breathable!
Organic Cotton Period Brief
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Start with small amount of oil and time, but see amazing results with hormone health!
Organic Castor Oil Cotton Pack (16.9 oz)
Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
Loose cotton pj pants are a MUST!
100% Cotton PJ Pants
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I use this instead of OTC meds to ease my cramps!
Crampbark Tincture
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Your body is craving magnesium during your period. This is lovely!
Magnesium Tallow Balm
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Swap coffee and caffeine on your period for a herbal tea!
Goddess Blend Herbal Tea

Period Education

These articles and books are a few starting points to explore if you want to learn the WHY behind your cycle symptoms!

Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
Great overview of period cravings and what they are telling you about your body!
Why Do I Crave Chocolate on My Period?
Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
These books will teach you so much about your cycle!
Woman Code Book + In the FLO Book (2 pack)
Maddie Pisciotta profile picture
If you struggle with cramps- read this!
Why The Type of Fats You Eat Impact Menstrual Cramps