Whether you're looking for a Gender-Specific or Gender-Neutral Nursery, or still have yet to decide, you'll find ALL the inspiration you need, right here! A carefully curated selection of ideas, projects & products by Award-Winning ASID Interior Designer, Doreen Amico-Sorell of Sorell Interiors. | sorellinteriors.com | (631) 499-4688
Back to school means new beginnings, fresh starts, and a whole lot of supplies. Let's dive into the essentials (and some not-so-obvious ones) to make this year your best yet.
As a Physical Therapist, I am pretty particular about what shoes my children wear and what types of shoes I recommend to my clients. Barefoot is ALWAYS best when a baby is learning to pull to stand, cruise, and walk, and this is also true for toddlers as they learn to do more advanced gross motor skills like run/jump. But obviously kids can't be barefooted all the time – so here is a compilation of shoes I recommend most. I try to update this with changes in seasons and as my favorite brands release new products, but in general these are the things I look for: 1) wide toe box (where the toes go!), 2) supportive heel cup, 3) flexible sole (you should be able to bend the shoe in half!)
All the materials your children will need to craft their masterpieces are here, fostering self-expression, emotional understanding, and sensory regulation.
This list is to help first time moms who are balling on a budget, get cute outfits that are easy to clean, functional, comfy, easy to put on, and of decent quality for the baby. I present options for Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring that can be used for any occasion they deem fit. Especially Daycare.
Learning Resources has very interactive and creative play toys. I have used them for the past 10 years in my daycare. I also give them as gift to my daycare kids for birthdays and christmas. Your toddler will love the toys and you will watch them learn while they play.
These are (in my opinion) MUST BUYS for any new parents. Ranging from cameras to towels, everything here I bought and helped me immeasurable in my little one's first year. I will keep adding to it as I find things that help me in my journdey as a first time parent!
As a homeschooling mom of 4, I definitely have my favorite curriculum and supplies. We're constantly trying new things but this is a list of my tried and true favorites.
Here's everything that you could possibly need to welcome your baby into the world. Baby registies can be super overwhelming to make because of constantly thinking you're forgetting something important.
Discover my recommendation for adorable outfit ideas that will make your toddler the most stylish little one on the block! From cozy everyday wear to trendy special occasion looks, these favorites are sure to keep your child looking cute and comfy.
My house is cluttered with toys in every room. Over the years we've accumulated a wide range of different toys and my children still enjoy them all today.
Sesuai rekomendasi WHO, beberapa suplemen tambahan perlu diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pertumbuhan anak yang pesat. Tapi semenjak kasus GGA beberapa waktu lalu, moms jadi harus lebih ekstra hati-hati dalam memilih suplemen untuk anak. Deep condolence for all victims of this case :( Aku coba bantu listing suplemen bayi yang direkomendasikan DSA ya. Mulai dari vitamin, zat besi, dan lain-lain. Check this out!
Some items that I've used that made the first year a lot easier so far. A lot of these free up my time and hands so that I can spend more time with my little one. Many of these aren't necessities, but if you're looking for a gift that'll make a difference, I don't think you can go wrong with any of these.
Here is a few items I wish someone would have told me about to have on hand when becoming a first time mom. Just to be a little more prepared. Some of these are suggestions as well but not an absolute need. But, some may make it a little easier after bringing home your little ones 💙🩷 Let me know in the comments what your absolute favorite was after bringing home your babies 😊
Perawatan kulit bayi menentukan kesehatan tumbuh kembang bayi. terutama bayi dan jajanan yang memiliki kulit sensitif. Orang tua harus selektif dalam memilih produk perawatan yang digunakan sehari-hari. agar tidak menimbulkan peradangan, ruam atau alergi dan untuk perlindungan maksimal.
When it comes to Toddler gear, I always prioritize safety and usability, but I never sacrifice appearance or quality. I'll try my best to show you where to spend in all the go to toddler gear.
Here's my go to list of tools to build Little Learner's logic and problem solving skills. Want them to be more creative? Want them to independtenly solve problems? Want them to start building neural pathways? Give these a try!
Honestly all these items have been curated from my experience with 3 children! The things we have used constantly and may have purchased multiple times
As a mom it's hard to find shows I enjoying watching that I also feel comfortable e posing my kids to. I always bring it back to the classics I have on this list.
Great options for Christmas, Birthday, or just because gifts! I bought these as gifts for my boys from ages 1yr-4yrs old. I have twins, so keeping both of them entertained seemed impossible until I found certain toys that kept them occupied for a while!
Masih bingung mau ngapain aja sama si kecil di rumah? Tenang, ada cara seru dan bermanfaat, nih! Salah satunya adalah dengan mengisi worksheet atau lembar kerja. Kegiatan ini adalah cara yang efektif untuk merangsang perkembangan anak secara menyeluruh. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mencoba kegiatan seru ini bersama si kecil, ya!
Just for baby! These are my essentials for when my kids were still in diapers. Some of these products made such an impact in my house that they became staples in my baby care toolbox.
As a Seattle mom, I love exploring this vibrant city with my family. From lush parks to engaging museums, there's something for everyone. Here are 20 of our favorite kid-friendly spots, categorized for easy planning.
As a first time mom, it was SO HARD for me to sort through all of the options out there for baby items. Curating some of the best things I've tried. 👶🏼💕
Are you expecting but dont really know what to expect! Heres a list of things that actually made my life easier and would one hundred percent again or gift to someone!
as a first time mom with a 9 month old, i was overwhelmed with all the items everyone says you HAVE to have for baby… but these are the items i ACTUALLY used/still use.
This list is filled with fun, cute, and unique Valentine’s Day card ideas for kids to give to their friends, classmates, or family members. These cards range from playful and silly to heartfelt and sweet, perfect for any child's personality. Get ready to make this Valentine's Day extra special!
Sebagai ibuk dari 3 anak aku merekomendasikan beberapa mainan untuk bayi dan toddler yang Sepengalamanku berpengaruh dengan kecerdasan dan kreativitas anak.
Pack what you’ll need for the first 24 hours and you can always have a second bag with extras that you keep in the car if your stay is longer. Tip: partners will be the ones looking for things in the bags so make sure they know how it’s packed!
Here are some of my top recommendations for toys for kids aged 2-10 ( or maybe a little older depending on your kids interests). My kids are 10, 8, 2, and 6 months so I'm basing my recommendations off their wants this year. Happy shopping!